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Sam Francis: Oevres Nouvelles, 1980

Sam Francis: Oevres Nouvelles, 1980

140,00 EUR

Margin scheme - Works of art excl. Shipping costs

Product no.: *fra-80-01/XL-39

Print datasheet

    "Untitled, 1980"

    Centre International de Creation Artique - Abbaye de Sénanque, 1980

    color-lithograph from ab original scetch

    edition of 1300 (only a few copies with lithographed signature)

    69,5 x 49,5 cm

    printer: Bob Blaire and George Page at Blair Litho, Los Angeles

    in good condition


    catalogue raisonné:

    Connie Lembark, The Prints of Sam Francis, New york 1992, no. P5

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